AIIMS,JUNIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TYPING TEST ON LATEST PATTERN 130 TEST WITH 2 ATTEMPT OF EACH TEST Tying Language:- Either in English or in Hindi as per the Candidate choice and for DEO post only English Typing. Typing Speed:- 35 w.p.m for English and 30 w.p.m for Hindi typing. Time Duration:- 15 minutes. Error Calculation with Penalty Mistake For each mistake of word there will be penalty shall be 50 strokes/ characters or 10 words (5 strokes = 1 word). Total Mistakes = Full Mistake + Half Mistake / 2; Penalty = 50 * Total Mistakes; Gross Speed = Total Keystrokes Typed / (5 * Time Duration in Minutes); Net Speed = (Total Keystrokes Typed - Penalty) / (5 * Time Duration in Minutes);

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